Connecting the Dots: Traditional and Digital GRPs

The GRP has long been a standard advertising measurement, and it’s often associated with TV buying. However, the GRP and its cousin, the TRP, can also be used to measure online media buys. The rise of streaming services allows viewers to seamlessly switch between digital and traditional media, leaving advertisers no choice but to plan multichannel campaigns. Using GRPs and TRPs in your planning can connect the dots between old school and new school. Our guide will walk you through the terms you need to know and explain how to use the measurements.

Use our impression calculator to convert GRPs to impressions for your multichannel campaign.

Terms to Know: GRP vs. TRP vs. iGRP vs. iTRP?

One set of analytics isn’t enough to guide your entire marketing strategy. But with so many different platforms and reports, it’s not always easy to identify which ones are actually helpful. While several of these systems may seem to track the same things, truthfully, most of the metrics aren’t interchangeable. To help you sift through the data more quickly, here’s a quick rundown of what each platform typically tracks:

Bridging the Gap Between Traditional and Digital

Multichannel media plans are often built using GRPs and TRPs to connect both linear and digital advertising, allowing planners to create one cohesive plan. Using a standard form of measurement across traditional and digital buys allow advertisers to compare the value of traditional mediums to different online channels, such as programmatic video, advanced TV and digital audio. An impression calculator can help you convert GRPs to impressions to use on a multichannel media plan.

Best Practices

  • Utilize GRPs and TRPs for extensions to your traditional buys.
  • Make sure to combine your GRP and TRP goals with your reach and frequency goals.
  • Once you’ve chosen a population base, continue to use this base throughout the campaign.
  • Take advantage of our impression calculator to calculate GRPs to impressions.